
The Caribou Conservation Alliance is a Canadian nonprofit organization committed to the conservation and recovery of caribou. We unite caribou conservationists and promote the strategic integration of ex situ tools (in human care) with existing in situ (in the wild) caribou recovery initiatives.


A brighter future where caribou populations thrive


The Caribou Conservation Alliance promotes the use of all caribou conservation tools to the fullest, with emphasis on integrating conservation breeding and other ex situ techniques within current caribou recovery programs. We do this by bringing caribou experts together to share knowledge, educating the public and conservation partners on the importance of ex situ species recovery tools, and ensuring that Indigenous people are active partners throughout all stages of caribou conservation initiatives.


The Caribou Conservation Alliance supports caribou recovery by:

  • Creating a network of caribou experts and collaborating to expedite caribou recovery

The most effective wildlife conservation recovery programs require collaborative and coordinated approaches. The Caribou Conservation Alliance brings experts together to facilitate knowledge sharing across disciplines, governments, and organizations thereby fostering cooperation and synergy among existing caribou conservation initiatives. Networking is achieved through subject matter working groups, communities of practice, workshops and symposia, and communication hubs. 

  • Educating on the importance of ex situ conservation tools for caribou recovery

Ex situ conservation tools, including conservation breeding programs, have led to the preservation and reintroduction of many endangered species around the globe, including large ungulates. The Caribou Conservation Alliance increases awareness of the critical roles an ex situ population can play in saving a species from extinction. 

  • Promoting the strategic integration of ex situ conservation tools with traditional in situ caribou recovery initiatives

The use of ex situ conservation management activities is integral to global wildlife conservation success. The Caribou Conservation Alliance identifies and demonstrates how ex situ management techniques can best assist in caribou recovery and works to increase integration of ex situ tools with more commonly used in situ methods.

  • Enabling active indigenous involvement throughout all stages of caribou conservation recovery programs

The Shuswap Band and the ʔakisq̓nuk First Nation are actively involved in caribou recovery within our territories. We have partnered with the Caribou Conservation Alliance to ensure that each of our communities can provide key indigenous knowledge to assist with our shared cultural and traditional land use practices to improve the transition from traditional management to the much needed conservation breeding. Shared decision making will play a key role in the success of our collaborative efforts to support caribou and their habitat.